Hadith: Allah will fulfill your needs if ...

Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah

As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu

Coercion - 15th Safar 1433 (9th January 2012)

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar (Radi-Allahu 'anhu):

Allah's Apostle (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, "A Muslim is a brother
of another Muslim. So he should neither oppress him nor hand him over to an
oppressor. And
whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs."

Bukhari Vol. 9 : No. 83

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